Free Digital Notebook

Cute Free Digital Notebook For iPads and Tablets – 6 paper types included

(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.)

Today I’m very excited to share with you a free digital notebook with 6 hyperlinked tabs. 

This free digital notebook will help you discover, on a smaller scale, the concept and benefits of digital planning and decide for yourself if this might be something you want to invest in or if you’d rather stick to paper planners exclusively.

This digital notebook works with iPads or Android tablets in note-taking apps such as Goodnotes (the one I use and recommend) and Notability (or others). 

(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.) 

Digital Planning tools

What is a digital planner / digital notebook?

A digital planner or digital notebook is a PDF file that contains hyperlinked tabs and/or buttons to help you go from page to page easily. Instead of writing with a pen and adding physical stickers in a paper planner, you’ll be writing with a stylus (such as the Apple Pencil) on a tablet or iPad. You can also add pictures, digital stickers, draw, or type in it with the font of your choice… Digital planning is a fun & flexible way to customize your planner without using any physical products (that makes it economical & ecological, yay). You can duplicate, add pages, etc. More on that below. 

Digital planning benefitsIf you’ve been here a while you know that I’ve been sharing many planner printables for several years. I also offer big packs of printable planner inserts, lettering workbooks, and printable planner stickers in my shop and on Etsy. The world keeps evolving and so does the world of planning. More and more people have turned to digital planning recently. Even though I still love having a paper planner, notebooks, and cute stationery, I gave digital planning a try and fell in love with how flexible and customizable it is. You can pretty much change and adapt everything to your needs and preferences. I’ve also discovered that digital planning has many other benefits that I will detail in this article. Once you’ve tried it, it’s hard to not see the appeal.

This newfound interest in digital planning has motivated me to start creating and sharing more digital planner freebies on the blog and add fun digital planner products in my shop and on Etsy. I just finished creating my first All-in-one digital life planner and I’m excited to finally be able to share it with you all. It includes 155 pages and, in addition to helping you plan your months, days, and weeks, it also contains more than 55 templates to help you organize every aspect of your life: goals, finance, wellness, trackers, home organization… see everything about this digital planner here!

Digital Planning tools

But for now, let’s talk about this free digital notebook I’m sharing with you today and touch on the benefits of digital planning. 

Get a free digital notebook to discover the benefits of digital planning

I understand that digital planning can be a little intimidating and mysterious for those who haven’t tried it yet so I feel like some explanations and some freebies to help you try it out and see for yourself might be helpful before fully diving in!

That’s why, to start things off on your digital planning journey, I’m happy to share with you a cute free digital notebook with 6 hyperlinked tabs.

To download this free digital notebook simply scroll down to the bottom of this page, you’ll be asked to enter your email to get the notebook directly sent to your inbox.

Free Digital Journal

Digital Planning allows more flexibility, customization, and convenience

This 6 subjects digital journal comes with 6 paper types that can be duplicated and used as many times as you need so your notebook can always be the perfect number of pages and evolve with your needs. You can delete or move pages around at any time so don’t be shy, go ahead and have fun experimenting with it.

An index page, hyperlinked to each section is included: simply title each section to easily navigate through your digital notebook. Of course, you can also access any of the 6 topics by clicking on the divider tabs at all times.

Free Digital Notebook Templates

You can also easily access the 6 different templates whenever you want: simply click on the second icon, pick the template you want to duplicate, and place it where you need it inside your notebook. Super easy, super convenient, and super flexible.

This type of digital notebook is great for students to help organize their study notes but it can also be great for many other uses since you get to decide what each section is dedicated to.

You could even decide to turn it into a digital bullet journal. You can create your own templates, to-do lists, doodles, mind-maps, inspiring images/quotes, etc. You can pretty much turn this digital notebook into whatever you need it to be. For instance, this specific free digital notebook includes 6 tabs: you could dedicate one tab per family member and the remaining tabs for other related topics. There are limitless options.

Digital Planning encourages you to be more creative and try new things

Free Digital NotebookI feel like digital planning really encourages creativity a lot more.

The pressure to “ruin” a beautiful notebook or planner is now a thing of the past!

You see, with digital planning you can easily change pen and highlighter colors, resize elements, move text and images around, erase things, change fonts, add stickers and images, etc. All these editing options have really made me more “adventurous” and “daring” with my planning style.

Knowing that I can always change things made me more spontaneous and alleviated some of the stress and hesitation I sometimes experienced with paper planning: what if I add this element and it ruins my beautiful spread? Should I really use so many stickers or should I save them for another page? Will I have enough space to fit everything I want on this page? And so on and so forth. I’m exaggerating a bit but I’m sure you’ve had these kinds of though as well at some time with paper planning.
If so, digital planning is a great option to express your creativity more, dare to try incorporating new things in your planner pages (such as lettering, photos, etc.)

With digital notebooks and digital planners, you can always edit, add, remove, resize or change the color of everything later on. That is one of the main benefits of digital planning according to me. 

Get your free digital notebook

To receive this completely FREE digital notebook in your inbox and get started, click this button or click here to sign up for my newsletter so that I know where to send your file. You can unsubscribe at any time.

FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY – Please Read Freebies Terms of Use.

Want more? Get my digital planner!

If you’re ready to invest in a complete digital planner, check out the All-in-one life planner I created.

It includes 155 pages and, in addition to helping you plan your months, days, and weeks, it also contains more than 55 templates to help you organize every aspect of your life: goals, finance, wellness, trackers, home organization… see everything about this digital planner here! 

Here is a full flip-through video of the digital life planner:

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Free Digital Notebook for ipad and tablet Free Digital Notebook for ipad and tablet



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Deborah Fleming - 6:26 am

I have a Kindle fire 8 and a Samsung Galaxy S9 can I use your planner on both of them at the same time? Or did I even word that correctly? I also have an iPad that I hardly use but I’d like to be able to integrate a planning system all in one. So I’d like to be able to open it on my phone, my Kindle, my Google calendar and if by chance I only have my iPad with me (which is a rare chance it’s a Gen 2 and it looks like it just came out of the box) I want to be able to either schedule an appointment type a note a thought or whatever.

This is why I have never had a digital planner. I’ve written it in my Google calendar, my wall calendar and my backup written calendar just in case all the others have failed me.

Maddie | This post may contain affiliate links - 8:03 am

Hello Deborah! Thank you for your great question! Yes, you should totally be able to synchronize your documents between all your devices. I personally use Goodnotes and I have the app on my iPad, my iPhone and on my MacBook and it synchronizes perfectly in just a few seconds! That’s the beauty of digital planning, you can access it at all times without carrying anything extra. You can use this free digital notebook to give it a try to confirm that it works the same with your devices but it definitely should 🙂 If you’re convinced you can them pick a digital planner that you like to fully become paperless 🙂

Jonelri - 9:50 am

I need

Pam - 10:01 am

This looks intriguing!!

Wendy - 5:55 am

Thank you

Courtney - 6:43 pm

I’m so excited to use this free planner, thank you!!

Lisa R - 1:44 pm

I’m new to digital planner but I am a die hard planner forever. I look forward to trying this out.

Angelique - 9:37 am

nice :), thank you very mucht

Zoie McClure - 5:23 pm

Thank you!

Ottavia - 12:32 am

very excited

Prathiksha - 3:37 pm

Thank you!

Dark shades - 8:09 am

Let’s try something new wuhooo

Hannah - 9:53 am

Looking forward to using my digital notebook!


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