(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.)

🎄🎅🎁 Today is the first day of the Lovely Advent Calendar! I’ll be sharing a new free printable a day, every day, from December 1st to December 24! 🎄🎅🎁 >>> Click here to subscribe to my newsletter to get free access to all the Lovely Planner free printables and stay updated.

Let’s get this Advent Calendar started with a new calendar divider for December (or any other time of the year if you print the blank undated version): it’s a cute hot chocolate cup planner divider! It could also be any other hot beverage to be fair!

This red cup has a slight Christmas feel to it but it’s not so obvious that you can’t use it during another month of the year.

You can print the dated or blank version.
You can download the free printable further down this page.

I’ve now updated all my previous planner dividers to include a blank undated version to every single one of them. You’re welcome to use one of the previous dividers instead if you’re not totally in love with this one.

(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.)

When printing a blank divider, all you’ll have left to do will be to write down the current month’s calendar or important notes. Alternatively, you can use my printable mini calendars to date any previous dividers (they’re sized to fit): 2020 or 2021.

free printable mini monthly calendar stickersI’ve created this calendar divider/die-cut in two versions: a blank undated one that you can use anytime you’d like (to keep notes, decorate, add any month’s calendar, etc) and a dated version that will help you keep a whole view of the month.

On top of being cute, this calendar divider is also functional. It quickly gives you a whole month’s view, can help you find your page, and is even more helpful to have around if you use an undated planner. Nobody likes to get dates mixed up.

It’s also perfect if you use a bullet journal or travel notebook!

Depending on where you punch your holes and how you place your divider in your planner you can get a different look: visible or not when your planner is closed. Plus, you punch holes yourself so this divider can fit in any type of planner!

Double-sided divider:

The PDF file also includes a mirrored verso of the divider.

That means that you can actually have the mirrored divider on the back of your calendar. Glue both sides together before laminating it and punching holes in it!
You don’t necessarily have to use it if you don’t want your divider to be cute on both sides.

Plus, if you laminate your divider, you can use the verso to write important dates!

Here’s a preview of the page, you can download a high-resolution version of it (dated, undated, PDF, or PNG) further down.


You can laminate your calendar and use a Staedtler non-permanent Lumocolor pen to write important dates, notes or to-dos on the back of my calendar. What I like about this pen is that it doesn’t smear as a whiteboard pen would. Plus, you can simply erase by swiping it with a wet napkin.

Alternatively, you can also use a Staedtler permanent Lumocolor pen, but you’ll need alcohol to rub off your writings. The pens I have are in size F.

I’ve now updated all my previous planner dividers to include a blank undated version to every single one of them. You’re welcome to use one of the previous dividers instead if you’re not totally in love with this one.

36 Free Printable Planner Divider Die Cut

Supplies and instructions:

This “DIY” to create your monthly calendar divider is pretty self-explanatory but basically, you’ll need:

  • thick paper like cardstock paper, or else your divider will probably get flimsy
  • printable file
  • a printer – check out my best tip to print for free or super cheap
  • scissors (or cutting machine) – the shapes are really simple so using scissors is probably just as quick!
  • hole puncher
  • Optional: a laminator (if you want to keep them clean longer, this will also make them a little stronger)

Just reading the supplies list should make you guess what you have to do now:

  1. Download the PDF file, resize if needed
  2. Print it on cardstock paper
  3. Cut each shape with your scissors
  4. Optional: if you want to add the background to the calendar, glue recto & verso together
  5. Laminate them if you want to
  6. Enjoy all month long!

If you prefer to use your Silhouette machine, the steps are just slightly different :

  1. Download the files
  2. Open the png file in Silhouette software. You can resize in Silhouette if you want.
  3. Trace the design
  4. Use the Print and cut function through your Silhouette software.
  5. Optional: if you want to add the background to the calendar, glue recto & verso together
  6. Laminate them if you want to
  7. Enjoy!

If you don’t have a cutting machine yet but would like to, you can get different types on Amazon: Silhouette Cameo, Silhouette Portrait and Cricut Explore Air 2 or Cricut Maker. I personally own a Silhouette Cameo (+ my previous Silhouette Portrait) but Cricut machines are becoming increasingly popular!

Here’s a low-resolution preview of this calendar divider, you can download the dated and blank version (high resolution) further down.

Download this Free Printable

 Hot Chocolate Cup Die-Cut

Note: I’m including a print-ready PDF file (2 pages: dated & blank undated) and an undated PNG version (that you can/should resize) of the design in case you’d like to use this printable for a different month or for a different use (die-cut, divider, digital planner, etc). Simply download the file you need.


How to download this file?

  • Not a subscriber yet? Some of my free printables are for newsletter subscribers only (it’s totally FREE of course!). The monthly calendar dividers are some of them. >>> Click here to subscribe to my newsletter to get free access to exclusive free printables and stay updated.
  • Existing subscribers – forgot your password? Make sure to check one of my emails to you, the password is reminded at the end of each newsletter. No caps, no space.
  • You’re typing the right password but it won’t let you download? You may have an issue downloading if you click a link from Facebook or an email. If so, just open the link directly in your browser and this should solve it. 

Pin this image for later:

FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY – Please Read Freebies Terms of Use.


Don’t forget to also have a look at other planner freebies I shared on the blog!

If you use this free printable planner calendar divider, I’d be happy to see what you do with it! Feel free to comment down below, tag me/follow me on instagram (@lovelyplannerblog) or use the hashtag #lovelyplanner 🙂

Would you like more printables for your planner? Check out my bundles:

I created several special packs with printable planner stickers and inserts to help you decorate and organize your planner. You can compare all my packs at once and see more details on this page.

I create lots of free printables, if you want to make sure to be updated and receive exclusive freebies, join the Lovely Newsletter:

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1 comment

Deb V. - 10:55 pm

SO CUTE!! Move over, PSL– It’s all about hot chocolate in December! ^_^


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