60+ Free Printable Planner Dividers/Die-Cuts to Decorate Your Planner – Undated

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After spending a long time updating all my files and download links I’m very happy to announce that you can now download a blank undated version of all my previous planner dividers.

That means that you can now use any of these 60 free printable planner dividers/die-cuts at any time of the year to decorate your planner, bullet journal, or travel notebook. YAY! 

I also created free printable mini monthly calendars to make it easy for you to date these monthly dividers for any month.2023 Mini Calendars Free Printable

I know many of you requested that update so I’m happy to share it with you. For the occasion, I decided to recap all of my free printable planner dividers on this page. It will make it easier for you to find the dividers/die-cuts that you’d like to use. I will also add future planner dividers to this list.


I’ve now also started a new freebie monthly tradition: I currently share a new planner pack every month with planner pages decorated with cute seasonal elements on it. You can find these free monthly planner packs on this page.

60 FREE Printable Planner Dividers

36 Free Printable Planner Dividers Die Cuts
src=”https://lovelyplanner.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Visual-2-36-Free-Printable-Planner-Divider-Die-Cut.jpg” alt=”36 Free Printable Planner Divider Die Cut” width=”600″ height=”1100″ data-no-lazy=”1″ data-pin-description=”36 Free Printable Planner Dividers / Printable Die-Cuts to decorate your planner, bullet journal or travel notebook: cute animals, coffee cups, food… Blank undated dividers to write down notes, important dates, monthly calendar, page marker, decoration… PDF & PNG included. #freeprintable #lovelyplanner #planner #happyplanner #bulletjournal”>
36 Free Printable Planner Divider Die Cut
36 Free Printable Planner Die CutThose of you who have been following me for a long time, probably know that one of my monthly tradition is to create and share a new calendar divider every single month. I can’t believe it’s already been 3 years! Each divider/die-cut includes a mini-calendar of the month to come. These dividers are double-sided (recto-verso) and a lot of the dividers also include a matching printable paperclip. It’s both cute and useful. Unfortunately, that also meant that once the month was over, this cute divider would lose its purpose.

Here’s a preview of what a divider looks like in a personal planner and in a Classic Happy Planner (a little further down this page):

36 Free Printable Planner Dividers

That’s why I decided to update all my previous dividers to make sure that they can remain useful as long as you’d like. Sharing blank planner dividers also means that you get to use them in any way you’d like. Not necessarily just as a mini-calendar. 

You can use these free printable blank planner dividers in many different ways: keep notes, important dates, monthly calendar, page marker, or simply use it as decoration.

I’ve included the blank undated version for each divider in PDF (ready to print) and PNG with transparent background (use that file if you need to resize the image or if you want to use your electronic cutting machine).

Many different themes are included so make sure to scroll through the whole list: cute animals, food, seasonal coffee cups, cute objects…

Oh, and did I mention that these dividers are compatible with all types of planners? They are. You simply have to punch holes in the white tab yourself to make it fit your type of planner: Disc-bound (Happy Planner, ARC…), ring-bound planners (Filofax, Carpe Diem…) or other.36 Free Printable Planner Dividers
If you want to use them as die-cuts, simply cut the white tab to remove it.

You will find more detailed instructions to help you use these dividers in each article.

Out of these 60 dividers, I think my top 3 favorites would be: Racoon, Fall Coffee Cup, and Typewriter. What about you?

Other planner freebies you may like:

The dividers listed here appear in reverse chronological order: the most recent dividers appear first and the oldest dividers are at the end of the list.

Click on “get this freebie” to access the article where you can download each planner divider.

60+ Cute Planner Dividers / Die-Cuts

I create lots of free printables, if you want to make sure to be updated and receive exclusive freebies, join the Lovely Newsletter:

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Liezel October 2, 2019 - 11:57 pm

Amazing!!! as always! Thank you!
South-African Greetings!

Jeanne October 15, 2019 - 4:50 am

Thank you so much for offering these and all of your freebies! I am very new to planning and your items have helped me so much. I have really enjoyed them they have been so functional and they are so stinking cute!


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