30 Harry Potter Party Free Printables
(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.)

Here are 30 Free Harry Potter Party Printables to effortlessly throw a magical party and easily turn your home into Hogwarts: banners, flags, paper bows, signs, cupcake toppers, and activity sheets! You’ll find it all on this page!

As you guys may know if you’ve been following this blog for some time, I’ve been sharing a lot of free Harry Potter printables.

I decided to recap all my Harry Potter free printables (already 30 different posts so far!) here on one page to help you find the printables you need to throw a Pinterest-worthy Harry Potter Party in just a few clicks. These free Harry Potter party printables will come in handy whether you’re planning to throw a Harry Potter baby shower, birthday, bridal shower, or Halloween party.

(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.)

30 Harry Potter Party Free Printables

Free printables are a great way to add themed elements to your party decor. For example, on this blog, you can find 15 signs to turn your house into Hogwarts’ castle, banners, kids’ activity sheets, Hogwarts Houses flags, cupcake toppers and wrappers, paper bows, award ribbons, Hogwarts’ ties, gift tags, Amortentia tea bags, and more! Read through the list to find what you need to take your party to the next level.

30 Harry Potter Party Free Printables

You can, of course, combine many of these free printables together to create a whole Harry Potter party decor.

I’m also adding a few suggestions, throughout the list, on how to use these free printables.

How to download these Free Harry Potter Party Printables?

To access each of these printable click the button “Continue reading” under each image. You’ll be taken to the article where you can download the file corresponding to that image. This list recaps all the printables shared so far, but you have to visit each article you’re interested to download each file.

I hope you’ll have fun creating a magical party using some of these free printables.

30 Free Printables to Throw a Magical Harry Potter Party

If you can’t download these free Harry Potter Printables now, you can pin this post for later:
30 Harry Potter Party Free Printables

I create lots of free printables, if you want to make sure to be updated and receive exclusive freebies, join the Lovely Newsletter:

Disclaimer: All copyrights and trademarks of the character images are the property of their respective owners and are not affiliated with us in any way. This is a work of fan fiction using characters or ideas from the Harry Potter world, which is also trademarked by J. K. Rowling. I do not claim ownership over the characters used in my free printables.

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maddi - 3:20 pm

Hi There, where can i find the newspaper looking signs you used in your backdrop?

Maddie | This post may contain affiliate links - 2:04 pm

I found the newspaper image in google image and edited it with a photo editing software to add guests pictures. Hope this helps 🙂


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