Free Printable Reminder Planner Stickers with 12 different sayings, in 2 versions: Black & White or Rainbow (18 colors) #FreePrintable #plannerstickers #stickers #planner #bujo #lovelyplanner

48 Free Printable Reminder Planner Stickers – Rainbow or B&W

(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.)

Here’s a new set of functional stickers that you can print and use in your planners. These Circle Reminder Planner Stickers are great to add a touch of color to your planner or bullet journal and keep track of important things to remember.

48 stickers fit on one page and I’ve included 12 different reminder stickers sayings. You can download this printable in 2 versions: rainbow (18 different colors, that match my other functional planner stickers) or completely black and white if you’re going for a more neutral style.
Each sticker measures 1″ so it will fit most planners and bullet journals.

(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.)

12 Free Printable Reminder Planner Stickers
Here is a list of the 12 reminder stickers included:

  • A.S.A.P.
  • Reminder
  • Must do
  • Today
  • Don’t forget
  • Important
  • Love this
  • Big Day
  • Appointment
  • Note to self
  • Top Priority

ALSO READ: 45+ FREE Functional Planner Stickers

More than 45 FREE Printable Functional Planner Stickers to decorate your planner or bullet journal and get more organized! #freeprintable #Planner #happyplanner #functional #plannerstickers #stickers #bulletjournal #lovelyplanner
Supplies I recommend to make your own stickers

A printer: I really recommend investing in an HP Instant Ink compatible printer if you’re into printables. Here’s how I can print for free or super cheap with it.

Choose one type of sticker paper:

Choose one type of tool to cut your stickers:

If you want more infos about these different supplies, make sure to read the detailed comparative article I wrote about tips and tools you can use to easily turn PDF printables into planner stickers.

Download Free Printable Reminder Planner Stickers:



How to download this file?

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FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY – Please Read Freebies Terms of Use.

Free Printable Reminder Planner StickersDon’t forget to also have a look at other planner freebies I shared on the blog!

This set of stickers comes in 18 bright colors that match the other functional planner stickers I’ve already shared! Make sure to mix and match them all:

I create lots of free printables, if you want to make sure to be updated and receive exclusive freebies, join the Lovely Newsletter:

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Jessica - 8:23 pm

Hello, my password that was sent to my email didn’t work

Maddie | This post may contain affiliate links - 2:28 pm

Hi! I’m sorry to hear that. The password sent is correct. You may have an issue downloading if you click a link from Facebook or an email. If so, just open the link directly in your browser and this should solve it 🙂

Mary - 7:25 am

Thanks for the black and white version 😀

Shannon - 2:43 am

I just went sticker crazy! I am so in love with the designs and amazing creativity put into these stickers. Thank you for sharing your hard work and I look forward to printing and using many of the planner stickers in my happy planner. This is truly a fun and artistic way to plan, scrap book, and just general craft with my child as well as other adults! I can’t get enough!


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