Free Printable Student Planner Stickers - 10 flag stickers to keep track of the tasks and events of your busy student life or college life: test, read, quizz, exam, paper, essay, homework, study, mid term, final... #student #freeprintable #organization #planner #stickers #plannerstickers #printable #lovelyplanner

Free Printable Student Planner Stickers – Rainbow

(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.)

Here’s a new set of functional planner stickers dedicated to students. This set of 10 different flags stickers will be great to mark down all the tasks and events of your busy student’s life!

10 students stickers are included: test, read, paper, quizz, study, exam, essay, homework, mid term and final.

You can match them with my mini flags planner stickers to easily add a pop of color and functionality to your planner. Two designs are included: blank flags or heart flags.

They will nicely fit in all types of planners and bullet journals.

(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.)

Free Printable Student Planner Stickers - 10 flag stickers to keep track of the tasks and events of your busy student life or college life: test, read, quizz, exam, paper, essay, homework, study, mid term, final... #student #freeprintable #organization #planner #stickers #plannerstickers #printable #lovelyplanner

ALSO READ: 45+ FREE Functional Planner Stickers

More than 45 FREE Printable Functional Planner Stickers to decorate your planner or bullet journal and get more organized! #freeprintable #Planner #happyplanner #functional #plannerstickers #stickers #bulletjournal #lovelyplanner

Rainbow Flags Planner Stickers (blank or heart)

This set of stickers come in 10 bright colors that match the other functional planner stickers I’ve already shared! Make sure to mix and match them all:

Download Free Printable Student Planner Stickers – Rainbow


How to download this file?

Don’t forget to also have a look at other planner freebies I shared on the blog!

I create lots of free printables, if you want to make sure to be updated and receive exclusive freebies, join the Lovely Newsletter:
Disclosure: This page may contain affiliate links. When you click them you support Lovely Planner and help keep its content free. Thank you!

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Karina - 10:36 pm

I just got into organizing my planner and using stickers, stickers, and more stickers. These are such a fun way to stay organized and the variety makes it that much more exciting!

gra - 7:00 am

wonderful. I found everything I need and …everything I want. thanks


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