(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.)

This is it! This is the first day of december, which means the Lovely Advent Calendar is officially starting today!

And, I’m super excited to share a new free printable with you everyday for the next 24 days. That’s right, I’ll be sharing 24 free printables with you from December 1st to December 24th.

Typical Advent calendars are filled with 24 chocolates but the Lovely Advent Calendar is filled with 24 digital treats. Sort of my Christmas gift to you! Come back every day to discover a new surprise.

See all the free printables already shared in the Lovely Advent Calendar so far.

Okay. Let’s get this party started.

(This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.)

DAY 1: Free Printable Cozy Christmas Planner Stickers – Weekly Kit for Happy Planner

I know many of you are big fans of planner stickers weekly kits. I haven’t created a new one in a long time so a Christmas Weekly Kit seemed like the perfect printable to start off the Advent Calendar.

I’ve tweaked up (and hopefully improved) my template to include more elements. It’s made to fit perfectly in the Classic Happy Planner but if you own a different planner I’m sure you can make it work.

My weekly kit now includes 2 pages: the first one with essential stickers, the second one with bonus stickers.

If you don’t like your weekly spreads to be too busy, you can totally just print the first page as I made sure to include the most important elements on this first page.

You can download the high-res PDF at the end of this article, but here’s a low-res preview to show you what I mean.

The second page is more of a bonus page that will be great to use if you want to give a total look to your spread.

I’d be curious to know if you like that new template and if you tend to use both pages or just one!

Don’t go through December without a cute planner divider:

Since it’s December 1st, let me remind you of these free printable planner dividers I’ve created (dated or undated). I created one a few days ago (dated Dec 2018 or blank), and I‘ve also updated 2 from previous years and added a blank undated version to them, in case you’d like to use them for the holidays, or any other time of the year:

free printable christmas starbucks cup planner divider - undated version available too!

Download this Free Printable Christmas Planner Stickers – Weekly Kit for Happy Planner


FREE Printable Christmas Planner Stickers Weekly Kit for Happy Planner

FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY – Please Read Freebies Terms of Use.


How to download this file?

Make sure to also check out my other seasonal free printables:

Don’t forget to also have a look at other planner freebies I shared on the blog!

Feel free to comment down bellow, tag me/follow me on instagram (@lovelyplannerblog) or use the hashtag #lovelyplanner if you use this printable.

I create lots of free printables, if you want to make sure to be updated and receive exclusive freebies, join the Lovely Newsletter:

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Helen - 9:58 am

Hi, Thanks for the freebie. In answer to your question I generally use elements from each page – not the entire kit. Great to be able to pick and choose. Helen

Sha / Shannon R - 1:10 am

So very cute, and with all of the best kit bits – thank you so much! ♥

Deborah Pettit - 5:25 am

Always so adorable. How about some deep blues and bright snowflakes for January? ♥️
Thank you for sharing your creativity with us.

Deborah Pettit - 5:26 am

Always so adorable. How about some deep blues and bright white snowflakes for January? ♥️
Thank you for sharing your creativity with us.


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